Welcome! Benvenuto!

On behalf of the members of The Craco Society, I welcome you to our website. Whether you are a Society member or a guest just visiting the site, I hope you will find it of interest and value to you.
As you look through the site, please bear in mind that the town of Craco, Italy can trace its origin back over a millennium and a half. Although “Craco Vecchio” is no longer inhabited, it remains robust in the minds and hearts of the Crachese people everywhere and has become a mecca for visitors and artists.

Craco is a village which cannot be forgotten. Its haunting beauty has been the setting for several movies, the subject of television specials, and it is now serving as a site for historic preservation.
But it is not solely the physical beauty of the location that causes Craco to captivate people. Rather, for the people living there today and the descendants of those from there, regardless of where they are now living, “Craco is in their blood.”  For these people being “Cracotan” carries with it a connection to a culture, language, and a way of living that is unique.

As you explore this site, we think you will come to recognize and enjoy those aspects of Craco and its people. We hope your visit with us also creates an appreciation for Craco, its people and our history.

Joseph Rinaldi | President - The Craco Society