The Craco Census of 1857
The "Stato di popolazione per l’anno 1857" for
the "Comune di Craco" provides a unique insight into the town
and its inhabitants during that era. This historical document will help
Society members learn more about the old town and also provide them
with details about any ancestors that were residing there 150 years
ago at time before the town and Italy was changed by unification.
The census was submitted to Italian authorities
as complete on January 30, 1858 and reflects the status of the town
as of year end 1857. The makeup of the town was reported as 594
adult males, 769 adult females, 252 males under 14 years old and 228
females under 12 years old for a total population of 1,843
inhabitants. They resided in 503 separate households.
The folio is formatted in large sheets that
measure 16 inches by 10 inches with columns across two pages that
tabulate the information recorded by the enumerator. The left hand
page captures the location and household composition quantifying the
members by factors of relationship to the household head, age, and
sex along with totaling the members of the family.
Following is the data that was recorded in the
columns of this page of the form.
Street Name (Nome della Strada)
There were only 15 streets identified and their
names are listed below.
Casale – households 1- 109
S. Lonardo – households 110 – 125
Monistero – households 126 – 142
S. Rocco – households 143 – 164
Le Tempe – households 165 – 191
Piazza – households 192 – 236
S. Giovanni – households 237 – 242
Ospedale – households 243 – 264
L’Arco – households 269 – 292
Pisterno – households 293- 356
Piazzola – households 357 – 377
Chiesa – households 378 – 405
Lamazza – households 406 – 423
Castello – households 424- 462
S. Barbera – households 463- 481
Blank – households 482 – 503
House No. (Num. della casa se via sia)
The census form had a place for the house number
but none were filled in so all fields are blank.
First Name & Surname Of Head of Household
(Nomi e Cognomi de’ Propritari delle Case)
The first and last name of the head of the
household was listed.
Sequence Number (Num. d’ordine
delle famiglie)
Each household was given a separate number
running sequentially from 1 through 503 although there were some
errors in the numbering sequence. The enumerator skipped numbering
household 229, numbered two consecutive households 303, and
mislabeled households 300-307 as 200-207.
Family Composition (Famiglie)
Under this large heading details about the family
members were tabulated under several subheadings:
Surname (Cognome)
Listed is the last name of each family
member. Note, under Italian customs married females retained
their maiden names.
First Name (Nomi di tutt’i
componenti la famiglia)
Listed is the first name of each family
Relationship to Head of Household
(Grado di parentela rispetto al capo di famiglia o di
The following were the entries made
during the census for this item:
Cognato, -a (brother-in-law,
Cugino, -a (cousin)
Domestica (housekeeper)
Figlio, –a (son, daughter)
Figliastro, -a (stepchild)
Figlioccio, -a (godchild)
Fratello (brother)
Genero (son-in-law)
Madre (mother)
Marito (husband)
Moglie (wife)
Niponte (nephew, niece,
Nuora (daughter-in-law)
Padre (father)
Sorella (sister)
Suòcero, –a (father-in-law,
Zio, – a (uncle, aunt)
Age at Dec. 31 (Eta’ d’ anni
compiuti al 31 dicembre)
The age in years was written in.
No. Family Members (No. De’
Componenti La Famiglia)
This subheading breaks down family
members as follows:
Adults (Adulti)
The categories are Maschi
(male) and Femine (female).
Males Under 14 years old
(Maschi prima degli anni 14)
Females under 12 years old
(Femine prima degli anni 12)
Total (Totale).
The right hand page of the folio has additional
information recorded about the conditions in each family including
marital status, possession of property, employment, health and
legitimacy of birth.
Status (Condizione)
Under this large heading details about the family
members were tabulated under several subheadings:
Marital State (Naturale)
The following were the entries made
during the census for this item:
Conjugato (married)
Calibe (bachelor,
bachelorette, single, unmarried)
Nubile (unmarried woman)
Vedovo (widowed)
Employment (Civile)
There are five columns categorizing
employment of the individuals.
Posses property or assets
(Possidente di beni stabili di qualunque natura)
There is either a notation of
Prosp. or the field is blank.
Employed in Liberal Arts
(Impiegati ad arti liberali)
Ecclesiastics, Priests, Friars
(Ecclesiastici, Preti, Frati, Monache)
Employed in Labor (Addetti
ad art meccaniche)
Unemployed (Mendici)
There is a notation in the
appropriate column with one of the following:
Barbiere (barber)
Calzolaio (shoemaker)
Contadino (farm
laborer, peasant)
Falegname (joiner,
Ferraio (blacksmith)
Filatrice (spinner)
Frate (Frair)
(judiciary, lawyer)
Medico (Doctor)
Mendia (beggar)
Monaca (Nun)
Mugnaio (miller)
Muratore (mason)
Preti (priest)
Sacerdote (priest)
Sarto (tailor,
State of Health (Stato Di Salute)
The form notes the following should be
If of good conformation (Si de buona
conformazione organica)
If there are notable defects (Se con
notabili difetti)
If chronically ill or delicate (Se
cronico, o eagionevole)
Below are entries made in this column:
A nacoretica
(anchoretic, hermit-like)
Anghilosato (heart ailment)
Braccio-morzo (cripled arm)
Buona (good)
Cieco (blind)
Deforme (deformed)
Epilettica (epileptic)
Malattia (diseased)
Matto (crazy)
Nano (dwarf)
Pazzo (crazy)
Sordo-moto (deaf & dumb)
Sordo (deaf )
V aletudinario
(sickly or weak)
Zoppo (crippled)
Observations (Observazioni)
The form notes the following should be
Born legitimate or illegitimate (Nato
legittimo, o illegittmo).
Died naturally or accidentally (Morto,
naturale, o casuale).
New domicile or established (Nuovo
domiciliato, e perche).
Immigrant or established (Emigrato, e
Other means of support, lacking any
employment, etc. (Altri inezzi di sussistenza, mancando
qui defti nella condizionecivile ec.)
Below are the only entries made in this column:
Ligittimo (legitimate)
Illegittimo (illegitimate)
The Town Make-up
As might be expected the town was totally based
on an agrarian society. The vast majority of the town’s households
were employed in various forms of farm labor with their employment
listed as "Contodino." This term, which is often translated
as peasant, was much wider in scope and did not define any of the
skills and professions that were necessary to manage the farms.
There were 316 households classified as
contadino and they were laboring on the land owned by the 164
households listed as "Proprietario" – landlords. There is no
way the census could provide an understanding of the interactions
between the classes however during this era each Italian
"…municipality resembled a large family – intensely loyal to its
members and rituals." The locations of the households on the streets
in the town suggest that in some parts of the town they lived
together in close proximity regardless of social status, while there
were also some streets that were densely populated with peasants,
and areas outside the street limits (characterized as "blank") that
were probably farms with no peasants listed.
Proprietario Households |
Nome della Strada
Other "Civile" Households
61 |
Casale (109) |
48 |
8 |
S. Lonardo(16) |
8 |
7 |
Monistero (17) |
10 |
7 |
S. Rocco (22) |
15 |
12 |
Le Tempe (27) |
15 |
18 |
Piazza (44) |
26 |
2 |
S. Giovanni (6) |
4 |
1 |
Ospedale (21) |
20 |
2 |
L’Arco (26) |
24 |
5 |
Pisterno (65) |
60 |
5 |
Piazzola (21) |
16 |
9 |
Chiesa (28) |
19 |
1 |
Lamazza (17) |
16 |
6 |
Castello (40) |
34 |
0 |
S. Barbera (19) |
19 |
20 |
Blank (20) |
0 |
Besides those working the land there were others
in the town making up part of the structure.
At the lowest end of the spectrum were 4
households classified as "mendia" – beggars. All four
households shared a similarity; they were headed by single women. In
one case, a 62 year old widow, who probably had no family to take
her in lived alone while in the case of the other three households
the three women were all mothers of young children classified as "illegittimo"
– illegitimate. In one of the households there was also an older
sister residing there that was unmarried and her health condition
was noted as "Zoppo" – crippled. There was one other
individual in the town classified as mendia and it seems to
be an unusual arrangement. This was a 20 year old woman that resided
with a peasant family. The head of the household was a widow and the
relationship of the 20 year old to the head of the household was
classified as a "Domestica" – servant but the younger woman
was not in good health being classified as "Valetudinario"
– sickly or weak. The other members of
this household were two adult sons and an adult daughter all of whom
were unmarried and in good health. Perhaps, this was some act of
kindness on the part of the household by taking in this sickly girl
since it would seem that the other members would be able to perform
the duties and chores of the "casa" rather than rely on a domestic.
Supporting the specialized needs of the town were
a small group of tradesmen and service providers. Many of these were
classified as proprietaro but also listed with the services
or trade they provided. Logically, someone operating as a
blacksmith, miller or furniture maker would need to own their own
property to house the specialized equipment needed to operate their
trade. And in the case of the town’s blacksmiths all 3 households
owned property with a fourth person in town classified as "Ferraio"
that was the unmarried 22 year old son of one of the smiths. There
was only one miller and one barber but the services they provided
were probably also done by most individuals as part of their
household routines and probably utilized the miller and barber for
special circumstances.
There were 6 "Filatrice" – spinners, none
of whom owned property and were probably processing wool from the
farms. There were 3 women who were widowed in this group and lived
alone. The one unmarried woman who headed a household also had an
unmarried sister living with her whose health was classified as
"Pazzo." There were two older men also listed as filatrice
who headed households without children but were married with their
wives classified as contadino. Perhaps this trade was
available to those who were not able to perform the labor required
of a contadino or could not leave their homes.
Along a different line were the 5 households and
7 people classified as "sarto" – tailor or seamstress. There
were two households that had two tailors residing in them and
working together. In one a father and son who were property owners
shared the work and in the other the male head of the household who
also was a property owner worked with an apparently unrelated male
"domestico’ who was also listed as "zoppo" – crippled. In the other
three households the male heads of the household, who were all
property owners, were classified as the tradesman. This group, due
to their property ownership seemed to be in a better "condizione."
There were 10 shoemakers in the town. In four
households the head was a "calzolaio" but the others in the
house were classified as contadino. There was also an older
single male who lived alone and practiced the trade. None of these
households were property owners. In other cases where the trade’s
people were property owners they were for the most part male heads
of households. In one case, an older widowed female property owner’s
son-in-law who resided with her practiced the trade. And in what
seems unique, there was an unmarried older single female practicing
the trade and living with her unmarried sister.
The building needs for the town were supplied by
the 6 "falegname" – carpenters and 11 "muratore" –
masons. Virtually all were property owners and one household even
had a father and son who were masons and another son who was a
carpenter. In another instance the household’s father and oldest son
were tailors and the next oldest son was a mason. There was only one
instance where a mason was not a property owner and the rest of his
family was classified as contadino.
The town had one individual listed as "Juddiacarro"
– meaning judiciary or lawyer who served
the needs for their legal service. The town’s medical needs were
attended to by 2 "medico" – doctors who were members of the
same family and one "farmaciso" – pharmacist. The town’s
pharmacist lived in an extended household with his wife, an adult
daughter and son, his mother and an aunt. The daughter was listed as
"monaca" – nun. The two doctors lived in a unique
household that may have been connected with one of the churches in
town. The doctor listed as the head of the house was a 62 year old
and his relationship was listed as "zio" – uncle and the
other doctor was a 26 year old listed as "nipote" – nephew.
There were four other members of the household and all were listed
as nephews with three classified as "preti" – priest.
Besides this household that reflected Craco’s
founding by ecclesiastics were several others made up of members of
the church. The last household on Via Monestero was almost certainly
the monastery. There were 10 men residing there and classified as "frate"
– friars. Interestingly, their names reflected the names of the
surrounding towns, for example Fr. Nicola, Fra. Vincenzo, & Giusippe
Da Craco, Fra. Prospero & Fra. Domenico Da Ferandina, Fra. Luigi Da
Pisticci. The other residents were, Fra. Bernardino, Fra. Paolino,
Fra. Salvatore, & Fra. Gennaro Da S. Arcangelo. Dispersed throughout
other households were individuals that were classified as "Ecclesiastici."
There were two households that included a "Diacono" – deacon,
and in both cases they were the first born sons of widowed mothers
who were property owners. There were seven other households that
included a preti. They all were property owning households
and either the priest residing there was the first born son or he
was the head of the house. Besides these individuals there was one "sacerdote"
– clergyman who was also the first born son of a property owner.
There were two other persons categorized as an ecclesiastic, the two
were daughters of an 82 year old widow who while living with her
were also listed as nuns.
We also get an understanding of health conditions
on the town by examining "Stato Di Salute." The vast majority
of the townspeople were classified as "Buona" – good
and only 31 individuals having some other notation. It would seem
that when only 2% of the population is suffering from some
observable health problems conditions in the towns were indeed "good."
There were 9 individuals who suffered from "valetudinario"
– sickly or weak and it was the most common health problem that
seemed to be solely borne by the contadino with on one property
owner suffering from this but was such a general observation it is
impossible to understand a cause. The next most common observation
was the 6 individuals classified as "zoppo – crippled. The
form of this handicap must have varied but it was only listed for
individuals that were contadino, mendia, and domestica. These do not
seem to have impacted the majority of the individuals form
participating in the society. The domestica was living in the
household of a property owner and also was classified as a
seamstress. The others were all parts of households with the
exception of one 60 year old woman who was unmarried and classified
as contadino. There were three individuals suffering from "anghilosato"
– a heart ailment. Two of the individuals were teen aged
children in the same household of property owners and the other was
a teenaged daughter in a contadino household. There were two "epilettica"
– epileptic individuals in town who also were active part of
society. Both, contadino, they were heads of households, one a 52
year old widow and the other a 52 year old father. The two
individuals with mental health problems classified as "matto"
and "pazzo" were also part of households only there were in
different circumstances. One was a 32 year old woman living with her
unmarried sister who was supporting them as a spinner. The other was
a 17 year old son in the house of a contadino. The two individuals
listed as "deforme" – deformed shared similar circumstances.
Both were contadino and unmarried middle-aged women living in
households with their sisters. And there were two individuals who
were categorized as ""nano" – dwarf which was the description
of a 53 year old wife of a property owner’s household, and also of a
nine year old daughter of another property owner. There were single
instances of "sordo-moto – deaf & dumb, the 14 year old son
of a property owner; "malattia" – diseased, classified the
situation of a two year old girl living in a contadino household
which also had a family member classified as crippled; "anacoretica"
for a 38 year wife and mother in the house of a contadino; "braccio-morzo"–
crippled arm described a 72 year old contadino who was the head of
his household; "sordo" – deaf was the condition of a 48 year
old mothering-in-law living with her contadino family, and "ciecco"
– blind described the state of a 26 year old unmarried man
living with his contadino household.
The other item that was categorized for the
inhabitants of the town was "Observazioni" which dealt
with legitimacy. There were 25 individuals classified as
illegitimate and all were in families classified as mendia or
contadino. Most of the individuals were young children living in the
households of unmarried mothers and they carried her surname. There
were some exceptions for instance there was a 34 year old woman who
was a property owner and had a son and daughter classified as
illegitimate. There was also the situation of a 30 year old domestic
in a large household of a property owner who had who had a 7 year
old illegitimate daughter. There was a similar situation with a 31
year old domestic with a 5 year old illegitimate son.
When looking at the surnames appearing in the
census there were 320 different names appearing in the household
enumeration. There were 129 names that appeared only once. The 30
most common last names are:
Households Surname
38 Mormondo
35 Matera
21 Branda
20 Mastronardi
19 Forgione
19 Galante
17 Rubertone
16 Spera
16 Tanico
14 Grossi
14 Paduano
13 Ferrante
13 Lorubio
11 Santalucia
10 Avena
10 Rivello
10 Viggiano
10 Zafferese
9 Colabella
9 Guarigha
9 Ragone
9 Roccanova
9 Sarubbi
9 Stabile
8 Camperlengo
8 Conte
8 DiPierro
8 Francaville
8 Manghise
When looking at this data 150 years after it was
recorded it is difficult to go much further than a rudimentary
summary to characterize the town. It is important to remember that
for 800 years before this census was taken the townspeople had been
building and establishing the social structure and formulating their
relationships. For us today, the most important information are the
actual details of each household as they are invaluable to any
descendants providing a precious insight into their family’s past.
Table of all households listed in the 1857 Craco
Strada |
HH # |
Surname |
Monistero |
140 |
Addreco |
Casale |
84 |
Adduno |
Casale |
89 |
Albano |
Casale |
103 |
Albano |
Lamazza |
406 |
Albano |
Castello |
447 |
Albano |
Piazzola |
373 |
Aldessio |
Casale |
81 |
Aldunsio |
Pisterno |
302/204 |
Aldunsio |
Casale |
104 |
Animarito |
Monistero |
141 |
Animarito |
S. Rocco |
158 |
Anorati |
Casale |
94 |
Arena |
Piazza |
218 |
Arena |
Piazza |
226 |
Arleo |
Piazza |
227 |
Arleo |
Chiesa |
401 |
Armando |
Casale |
61 |
Attariaccio |
Casale |
62 |
Attariaccio |
Casale |
63 |
Avena |
Casale |
63 |
Avena |
Pisterno |
293 |
Avena |
Pisterno |
323 |
Avena |
Pisterno |
327 |
Avena |
Pisterno |
351 |
Avena |
Pisterno |
355 |
Avena |
Chiesa |
382 |
Avena |
Castello |
448 |
Avena |
484 |
Avena |
Piazza |
203 |
Baldassaro |
Piazza |
207 |
Baldassaro |
Pisterno |
325 |
Baldassaro |
Pisterno |
347 |
Baldassaro |
Ospedale |
264 |
Barberio |
S. Rocco |
143 |
Barbetta |
Casale |
12 |
Barbinieri |
Ospedale |
260 |
Barnalla |
Piazza |
234 |
Benardone |
Ospedale |
243 |
Benardone |
Casale |
22 |
Benedetto |
Chiesa |
395 |
Benedetto |
Casale |
4 |
Beradone |
Pisterno |
307/207 |
Beradone |
Casale |
42 |
Bernadino |
S. Rocco |
156 |
Bernadino |
Ospedale |
244 |
Bernadino |
L’Arco |
277 |
Bernadone |
Pisterno |
316 |
Bernadone |
Piazzola |
372 |
Bernadone |
Chiesa |
399 |
Bernadone |
Lamazza |
407 |
Bernadone |
Pisterno |
309 |
Bianculli |
Pisterno |
341 |
Bianculli |
Chiesa |
393 |
Bianculli |
Castello |
449 |
Bianculli |
S. Barbera |
473 |
Bianculli |
502 |
Bianculli |
Casale |
54 |
Birillio |
L’Arco |
267 |
Blangieri |
Casale |
56 |
Bona |
Piazza |
227 |
Bonilla |
Casale |
15 |
Branda |
Casale |
34 |
Branda |
Casale |
54 |
Branda |
Casale |
95 |
Branda |
Casale |
105 |
Branda |
Monistero |
136 |
Branda |
S. Rocco |
144 |
Branda |
S. Rocco |
145 |
Branda |
S. Rocco |
147 |
Branda |
Piazza |
200 |
Branda |
Piazza |
220 |
Branda |
Ospedale |
262 |
Branda |
L’Arco |
283 |
Branda |
Pisterno |
331 |
Branda |
Pisterno |
337 |
Branda |
Pisterno |
338 |
Branda |
Piazzola |
366 |
Branda |
Chiesa |
400 |
Branda |
Castello |
425 |
Branda |
Castello |
435 |
Branda |
S. Barbera
480 |
Branda |
Pisterno |
314 |
Bresina |
Lamazza |
408 |
Brunetti |
Piazza |
208 |
Busso |
S. Lonardo |
110 |
Caccitore |
Casale |
53 |
Calabreze |
Monistero |
136 |
Calabreze |
S. Rocco |
151 |
Calabreze |
S. Rocco |
152 |
Calabreze |
Piazza |
206 |
Calabreze |
Piazza |
211 |
Calabreze |
Piazza |
223 |
Calabreze |
Chiesa |
405 |
Cammarota |
Monistero |
o |
Cammarota |
Casale |
104 |
Camperlengo |
Piazza |
230 |
Camperleng0 |
Piazza |
232 |
Camperlengo |
L’Arco |
270 |
Camperlengo |
L’Arco |
273 |
Camperlengo |
Pisterno |
327 |
Camperlengo |
Pisterno |
328 |
Camperlengo |
Piazzola |
364 |
Camperlengo |
Le Tempe
182 |
Cancati |
S. Barbera
478 |
Cantanaso |
500 |
Carighia |
L’Arco |
275 |
Carlucci |
Casale |
32 |
Caruso |
Ospedale |
247 |
Caruso |
Ospedale |
262 |
Caruso |
L’Arco |
265 |
Caruso |
485 |
Casano |
Ospedale |
248 |
Cascio |
Chiesa |
383 |
Casella |
Monistero |
130 |
Cassano |
S. Rocco |
148 |
Cassino |
S. Lonardo |
124 |
Castronova |
Le Tempe
173 |
Catansano |
Piazzola |
369 |
Chiarito |
Piazza |
209 |
Chiarito |
Monistero |
135 |
Chimuto |
Le Tempe
165 |
Chimuto |
Le Tempe
179 |
Chimuto |
Piazza |
213 |
Cianco |
Piazza |
198 |
Cigliano |
L’Arco |
276 |
Cigliano |
L’Arco |
291 |
Cigliano |
Lamazza |
415 |
Cigliano |
494 |
Cinghano |
Le Tempe
176 |
Colabella |
Casale |
41 |
Colabella |
Casale |
47 |
Colabella |
Le Tempe
166 |
Colabella |
Le Tempe
178 |
Colabella |
Piazza |
208 |
Colabella |
L’Arco |
274 |
Colabella |
Pisterno |
306/206 |
Colabella |
Pisterno |
329 |
Colabella |
Piazzola |
365 |
Colabella |
Casale |
93 |
Conte |
Casale |
106 |
Conte |
Casale |
107 |
Conte |
Le Tempe
169 |
Conte |
Piazza |
197 |
Conte |
Piazza |
205 |
Conte |
Piazza |
231 |
Conte |
Ospedale |
247 |
Conte |
Piazza |
208 |
Continaso |
S. Giovanni |
241 |
Continaso |
Pisterno |
310 |
Continaso |
Pisterno |
346 |
Continaso |
terMoniso |
141 |
Contosocca |
Castello |
447 |
Cuscio |
Castello |
461 |
Cuscio |
S. Barbera |
466 |
Cuscio |
S. Barbera |
467 |
D’ Addiego |
Chiesa |
403 |
D’ Addiono |
Piazzola |
376 |
D’ Adduno |
Pisterno |
352 |
D’ Addurio |
Lamazza |
412 |
D’ Addurno |
Ospedale |
260 |
D’ Alesandro |
Ospedale |
259 |
D’ Ambrosio |
Pisterno |
334 |
D’ Aspimonte |
Pisterno |
336 |
D’ Aspimonte |
Piazzola |
372 |
D’ Aspimonte |
Chiesa |
387 |
D’ Aspimonte |
Piazza |
217 |
D’ Aspimonte |
Ospedale |
248 |
D’ Aspimonte |
S. Rocco |
156 |
D’ Aspimonte |
500 |
D’ Effemina |
483 |
D’ Elia |
Castello |
450 |
D’ Emma |
S. Barbera |
468 |
D’ Emma |
Piazza |
196 |
D’ Errico |
S. Lonardo |
111 |
D’adduno |
Casale |
48 |
D’Alesandro |
Pisterno |
302/202 |
D’Anzi |
Le Tempe
170 |
D’Aquara |
Ospedale |
250 |
D’Aquara |
Ospedale |
251 |
D’Aquara |
L’Arco |
290 |
D’Aquara |
Piazza |
210 |
D’arretta |
S. Lonardo |
119 |
De Cesare |
Monistero |
133 |
De Cesare |
Le Tempe
170 |
De Cesare |
Le Tempe
179 |
De Cesare |
Pisterno |
301/201 |
De Cesare |
Chiesa |
395 |
De Cesare |
S. Barbera
466 |
De Cesare |
Casale |
96 |
De Cesare |
Casale |
101 |
De Cesare |
Castello |
455 |
De Fratello |
Piazza |
204 |
De Mario |
Ospedale |
255 |
De Palma |
Ospedale |
260 |
De Palma |
Castello |
448 |
Defino |
S. Barbera |
480 |
Defino |
Le Tempe
165 |
Delesore |
Casale |
46 |
Delesoro |
Casale |
33 |
Delgare |
Castello |
441 |
Delopole |
Casale |
38 |
Deutici |
Piazzola |
358 |
Di Crieco |
Piazza |
215 |
Di Fardo |
Pisterno |
311 |
Di Giulio |
Pisterno |
313 |
Di Giulio |
S. Barbera
465 |
Di Giulio |
Ospedale |
258 |
Di Grillo |
S. Rocco |
143 |
Di Picano |
Piazza |
195 |
Di Pierro |
Pisterno |
317 |
Di Pierro |
Pisterno |
318 |
Di Pierro |
Pisterno |
323 |
Di Pierro |
Chiesa |
400 |
Di Pierro |
Lamazza |
410 |
Di Pierro |
Lamazza |
416 |
Di Pierro |
Castello |
443 |
Di Pierro |
Ospedale |
256 |
Di Preso |
L’Arco |
291 |
Di Sabato |
Pisterno |
300/200 |
Di Santo |
487 |
Di Sauto |
Chiesa |
378 |
Di Soulo |
S. Lonardo |
110 |
Di Vito |
S. Rocco |
153 |
Di Vito |
S. Barbera
476 |
Di Vito |
Casale |
42 |
Diafilomatti |
Casale |
85 |
Dioppronetti |
L’Arco |
278 |
Dolcemile |
Pisterno |
323 |
Dolcemile |
S. Rocco |
157 |
Donadio |
Ospedale |
252 |
Donadio |
Ospedale |
252 |
Donadio |
Pisterno |
333 |
Donadio |
Piazza |
226 |
Doti |
Casale |
74 |
Doudria |
Casale |
85 |
D’Urso |
Le Tempe
189 |
Elia |
L’Arco |
278 |
Elia |
L’Arco |
279 |
Elia |
Pisterno |
311 |
Elia |
Pisterno |
318 |
Elia |
Pisterno |
348 |
Elia |
500 |
Elia |
Ospedale |
257 |
Episcopio |
L’Arco |
283 |
Episcopio |
Chiesa |
394 |
Episcopio |
Piazza |
194 |
Errico |
Piazza |
201 |
Errico |
Pisterno |
332 |
Errico |
Le Tempe
176 |
Esposito |
S. Giovanni |
237 |
Faghiaganiti |
Piazzola |
376 |
Ferrandina |
Casale |
52 |
Ferrante |
Piazza |
204 |
Ferrante |
Piazza |
205 |
Ferrante |
Piazza |
232 |
Ferrante |
S. Giovanni |
238 |
Ferrante |
S. Giovanni |
239 |
Ferrante |
L’Arco |
275 |
Ferrante |
L’Arco |
280 |
Ferrante |
L’Arco |
282 |
Ferrante |
L’Arco |
289 |
Ferrante |
Pisterno |
333 |
Ferrante |
Chiesa |
392 |
Ferrante |
S. Barbera |
470 |
Ferrante |
Ospedale |
245 |
Fittapoldi |
Pisterno |
343 |
Fittapoldi |
Lamazza |
409 |
Fittapoldi |
Lamazza |
415 |
Fittapoldi |
Castello |
449 |
Fittapoldi |
Casale |
1 |
Forgione |
Casale |
18 |
Forgione |
Casale |
35 |
Forgione |
Casale |
50 |
Forgione |
Casale |
65 |
Forgione |
Casale |
93 |
Forgione |
Casale |
100 |
Forgione |
Casale |
102 |
Forgione |
S. Lonardo |
112 |
Forgione |
S. Lonardo |
115 |
Forgione |
S. Rocco |
161 |
Forgione |
Piazza |
199 |
Forgione |
Ospedale |
250 |
Forgione |
Pisterno |
308 |
Forgione |
Pisterno |
352 |
Forgione |
Piazzola |
357 |
Forgione |
Chiesa |
386 |
Forgione |
496 |
Forgione |
498 |
Forgione |
Casale |
64 |
Fortuna |
Le Tempe
190 |
Fortuna |
Lamazza |
411 |
Fortuna |
Lamazza |
421 |
Fortuna |
Castello |
447 |
Fortuna |
Le Tempe
181 |
Francavilla |
Piazza |
228 |
Francavilla |
S. Giovanni |
242 |
Francavilla |
L’Arco |
269 |
Francavilla |
Lamazza |
408 |
Francavilla |
482 |
Francavilla |
483 |
Francavilla |
485 |
Francavilla |
L’Arco |
280 |
Franco |
Pisterno |
349 |
Franco |
S. Barbera
475 |
Fuzzi |
Pisterno |
305/205 |
Gaetano |
Pisterno |
335 |
Gaetano |
Castello |
458 |
Gaitano |
Casale |
1 |
Galante |
Casale |
46 |
Galante |
Casale |
60 |
Galante |
Casale |
68 |
Galante |
Casale |
80 |
Galante |
Casale |
94 |
Galante |
Casale |
100 |
Galante |
S. Lonardo |
114 |
Galante |
Monistero |
138 |
Galante |
S. Rocco |
146 |
Galante |
S. Rocco |
150 |
Galante |
Le Tempe
191 |
Galante |
Piazza |
212 |
Galante |
Ospedale |
258 |
Galante |
Piazzola |
377 |
Galante |
Chiesa |
378 |
Galante |
Chiesa |
379 |
Galante |
Chiesa |
388 |
Galante |
Chiesa |
390 |
Galante |
Casale |
9 |
Galasso |
Casale |
26 |
Galasso |
Casale |
63 |
Galasso |
S. Rocco |
163 |
Galasso |
Pisterno |
354 |
Galasso |
Castello |
455 |
Galasso |
S. Rocco |
149 |
Galgano |
Casale |
109 |
Galicato |
S. Lonardo |
116 |
Gallichio |
Chiesa |
385 |
Galoppo |
Piazza |
228 |
Galotico |
S. Lonardo |
122 |
Galtieri |
S. Lonardo |
123 |
Galtieri |
Pisterno |
304/204 |
Galtieri |
Piazzola |
362 |
Galtieri |
Casale |
79 |
Gammigrillo |
Le Tempe
186 |
Garanghia |
503 |
Gasperlo |
Piazzola |
372 |
Geraldi |
Chiesa |
384 |
Geraldi |
Lamazza |
420 |
Gerardo |
Castello |
430 |
Gesualdi |
Castello |
436 |
Gesualdi |
S. Rocco |
148 |
Giammatti |
Casale |
58 |
Giammino |
Pisterno |
307/207 |
Gianna |
487 |
Giocoli |
499 |
Girghatti |
Le Tempe
188 |
Grachi |
S. Rocco |
149 |
Granci |
Casale |
50 |
Grassi |
Casale |
66 |
Grieco |
Casale |
73 |
Grieco |
S. Lonardo |
118 |
Grieco |
Castello |
452 |
Grieco |
S. Barbera
474 |
Grieco |
S. Barbera |
475 |
Grieco |
S. Barbera
476 |
Grieco |
Casale |
31 |
Grippoldi |
Casale |
13 |
Grisaldi |
Castello |
462 |
Grisaldi |
Casale |
31 |
Grossi |
Casale |
38 |
Grossi |
Casale |
75 |
Grossi |
S. Lonardo |
118 |
Grossi |
S. Lonardo |
120 |
Grossi |
S. Lonardo |
121 |
Grossi |
S. Giovanni |
242 |
Grossi |
Pisterno |
296 |
Grossi |
Pisterno |
304/204 |
Grossi |
Chiesa |
402 |
Grossi |
Chiesa |
404 |
Grossi |
Chiesa |
405 |
Grossi |
Castello |
439 |
Grossi |
Castello |
456 |
Grossi |
Casale |
95 |
Guariglia |
Piazza |
214 |
Guariglia |
Ospedale |
244 |
Guariglia |
Ospedale |
261 |
Guariglia |
L’Arco |
285 |
Guariglia |
L’Arco |
292 |
Guariglia |
Piazzola |
358 |
Iacavelli |
Casale |
3 |
Iacavoni |
Casale |
31 |
Iacavoni |
482 |
Grossi |
Casale |
30 |
Guariglia |
Casale |
55 |
Guariglia |
Casale |
70 |
Guariglia |
Monistero |
131 |
Iacavoni |
492 |
Iamaro |
L’Arco |
273 |
Triunfo |
Casale |
56 |
Ianillo |
488 |
Idecco |
Casale |
3 |
Inmigrello |
L’Arco |
272 |
Itandrea |
Monistero |
132 |
Izzo |
Castello |
454 |
La Cava |
Piazzola |
368 |
La Gualona |
Piazzola |
371 |
La Gualona |
Castello |
451 |
La Gualona |
Ospedale |
249 |
La Guvara |
Casale |
51 |
La Inivara |
Casale |
39 |
La Padula |
Piazza |
218 |
La Petina |
Casale |
99 |
La Pilla |
Le Tempe |
167 |
La Porchio |
Le Tempe |
173 |
La Porchio |
Piazza |
224 |
La Porchio |
Casale |
85 |
La Porchio |
Casale |
54 |
La Porchio |
S. Rocco |
155 |
La Porchio |
Piazza |
232 |
La Porchio |
Piazza |
233 |
La Porchio |
Chiesa |
384 |
La Porchio |
Chiesa |
396 |
La Porchio |
Castello |
453 |
La Porchio |
S. Lonardo |
110 |
La Porta |
Piazza |
234 |
La Porta |
L’Arco |
269 |
La Porta |
Pisterno |
325 |
Laino |
Pisterno |
334 |
Laino |
Casale |
39 |
Lalingua |
Pisterno |
296 |
Lapilla |
Casale |
109 |
Larosa |
Ospedale |
253 |
Larosa |
Castello |
462 |
Launia |
S. Barbera |
474 |
Lauria |
Pisterno |
339 |
Lauria |
Le Tempe
188 |
Lauruzano |
Castello |
450 |
Laviero |
Monistero |
126 |
Lazazzera |
Casale |
12 |
Lazzera |
Casale |
67 |
Leannone |
Piazza |
234 |
Leone |
Casale |
6 |
Lerillo |
Monistero |
137 |
Lo Bosco |
Piazza |
192 |
Lo Bosco |
Castello |
437 |
Lo Bosco |
S. Rocco |
162 |
Lo Prato |
Casale |
90 |
LoCaso |
Pisterno |
297 |
LoCaso |
Pisterno |
326 |
LoCaso |
500 |
Lohagua |
Castello |
444 |
Lombardi |
S. Barbera |
477 |
Lombardi |
Ospedale |
246 |
Lombardo |
Ospedale |
253 |
Lombardo |
Monistero |
13 |
Lorubio |
Monistero |
137 |
Lorubio |
Piazza |
225 |
Lorubio |
Pisterno |
312 |
Lorubio |
Pisterno |
333 |
Lorubio |
Pisterno |
340 |
Lorubio |
Pisterno |
351 |
Lorubio |
Lamazza |
413 |
Lorubio |
Castello |
432 |
Lorubio |
Castello |
433 |
Lorubio |
Castello |
444 |
Lorubio |
S. Barbera
469 |
Lorubio |
Casale |
67 |
Maffei |
S. Barbera
468 |
Magatti |
Le Tempe
176 |
Magistro |
Chiesa |
398 |
Magistro |
Castello |
434 |
Magistro |
Castello |
442 |
Magistro |
Castello |
456 |
Magistro |
Piazza |
213 |
Magonni |
S. Rocco |
159 |
Malfeso |
Monistero |
135 |
Manghise |
Piazza |
193 |
Manghise |
Piazza |
194 |
Manghise |
Piazza |
223 |
Manghise |
Ospedale |
263 |
Manghise |
L’Arco |
290 |
Manghise |
Piazzola |
362 |
Manghise |
Piazzola |
377 |
Manghise |
S. Rocco |
144 |
Manghise |
S. Lonardo |
117 |
Marrese |
Monistero |
138 |
Marrese |
Casale |
60 |
Marrese |
Le Tempe
168 |
Marrese |
Le Tempe
182 |
Marrese |
Ospedale |
252 |
Marrese |
Ospedale |
262 |
Marrese |
Pisterno |
316 |
Margiotta |
494 |
Marino |
L’Arco |
277 |
Marmo |
Pisterno |
336 |
Marmo |
Piazzola |
365 |
Marmo |
Castello |
427 |
Marmo |
Casale |
84 |
Maronna |
Castello |
442 |
Maronna |
Castello |
451 |
Maronna |
Casale |
16 |
Marra |
Casale |
18 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
34 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
37 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
40 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
59 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
91 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
106 |
Mastronardi |
S. Lonardo |
123 |
Mastronardi |
Monistero |
126 |
Mastronardi |
Monistero |
129 |
Mastronardi |
S. Rocco |
152 |
Mastronardi |
S. Rocco |
154 |
Mastronardi |
Piazza |
209 |
Mastronardi |
S. Giovanni |
239 |
Mastronardi |
S. Giovanni |
241 |
Mastronardi |
Ospedale |
251 |
Mastronardi |
L’Arco |
286 |
Mastronardi |
Pisterno |
314 |
Mastronardi |
Pisterno |
319 |
Mastronardi |
Chiesa |
393 |
Mastronardi |
Casale |
5 |
Matera |
Casale |
11 |
Matera |
Casale |
14 |
Matera |
Casale |
30 |
Matera |
Casale |
51 |
Matera |
Casale |
53 |
Matera |
Casale |
73 |
Matera |
Casale |
82 |
Matera |
Casale |
84 |
Matera |
S. Lonardo |
111 |
Matera |
Monistero |
132 |
Matera |
Monistero |
135 |
Matera |
S. Rocco |
160 |
Matera |
S. Rocco |
162 |
Matera |
S. Rocco |
164 |
Matera |
Le Tempe
169 |
Matera |
Le Tempe
174 |
Matera |
Le Tempe
183 |
Matera |
Le Tempe
191 |
Matera |
Piazza |
199 |
Matera |
Piazza |
207 |
Matera |
Piazza |
222 |
Matera |
S. Giovanni |
237 |
Matera |
Ospedale |
258 |
Matera |
L’Arco |
279 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
295 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
337 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
338 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
343 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
353 |
Matera |
Pisterno |
355 |
Matera |
Piazzola |
360 |
Matera |
Chiesa |
380 |
Matera |
Chiesa |
389 |
Matera |
Chiesa |
391 |
Matera |
Chiesa |
399 |
Matera |
Lamazza |
417 |
Matera |
Castello |
449 |
Matorrise |
Casale |
56 |
Mauriano |
Pisterno |
345 |
Mazriotti |
Pisterno |
347 |
Mazriotti |
Casale |
86 |
Mercadante |
Le Tempe
189 |
Mercante |
Pisterno |
306/206 |
Mercante |
Casale |
66 |
Miadonna |
Chiesa |
386 |
Miadonna |
Chiesa |
402 |
Miadonna |
L’Arco |
284 |
Minione |
L’Arco |
274 |
Molesano |
Piazza |
226 |
Molterno |
Castello |
431 |
Montari |
Casale |
13 |
Montefano |
Lamazza |
406 |
Montesano |
Casale |
41 |
Mormando |
Casale |
43 |
Mormando |
Casale |
55 |
Mormando |
Casale |
59 |
Mormando |
Casale |
62 |
Mormando |
Casale |
77 |
Mormando |
Casale |
81 |
Mormando |
Casale |
98 |
Mormando |
Casale |
107 |
Mormando |
Casale |
108 |
Mormando |
S. Lonardo |
113 |
Mormando |
S. Lonardo |
124 |
Mormando |
S. Lonardo |
125 |
Mormando |
Monistero |
129 |
Mormando |
Le Tempe
177 |
Mormando |
Le Tempe
190 |
Mormando |
Piazza |
195 |
Mormando |
Piazza |
201 |
Mormando |
Piazza |
217 |
Mormando |
Piazza |
235 |
Mormando |
Ospedale |
245 |
Mormando |
L’Arco |
267 |
Mormando |
L’Arco |
272 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
295 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
297 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
298 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
341 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
342 |
Mormando |
Piazzola |
361 |
Mormando |
Piazzola |
366 |
Mormando |
Piazzola |
367 |
Mormando |
Chiesa |
392 |
Mormando |
Chiesa |
397 |
Mormando |
Lamazza |
407 |
Mormando |
Castello |
445 |
Mormando |
Castello |
446 |
Mormando |
Castello |
453 |
Mormando |
Castello |
457 |
Mormando |
Castello |
458 |
Mormando |
Castello |
459 |
Mormando |
S. Barbera
464 |
Mormando |
Pisterno |
331 |
Muzio |
Casale |
74 |
Nardaudria |
486 |
Nardaudria |
Piazza |
214 |
Navazio |
Casale |
96 |
Nigro |
Monistero |
133 |
Nigro |
S. Rocco |
151 |
Nigro |
Piazza |
221 |
Nigro |
Le Tempe
175 |
Onorati |
Lamazza |
418 |
Onorati |
Casale |
17 |
Paduano |
Casale |
47 |
Paduano |
Casale |
83 |
Paduano |
Casale |
87 |
Paduano |
Casale |
88 |
Paduano |
Le Tempe
187 |
Paduano |
Piazza |
198 |
Paduano |
Piazza |
202 |
Paduano |
Piazza |
230 |
Paduano |
S. Giovanni |
238 |
Paduano |
Ospedale |
256 |
Paduano |
Ospedale |
259 |
Paduano |
Ospedale |
263 |
Paduano |
Pisterno |
339 |
Paduano |
491 |
Padula |
Casale |
21 |
Palidoro |
Casale |
99 |
Palumbo |
Le Tempe
182 |
Paone |
Pisterno |
330 |
Parisi |
Pisterno |
299 |
Parziale |
Pisterno |
313 |
Parziale |
Casale |
102 |
Parziale |
Monistero |
127 |
Parziale |
S. Rocco |
145 |
Parziale |
Chiesa |
397 |
Parziale |
S. Barbera
471 |
Parziale |
Piazza |
218 |
Parzialo |
Le Tempe
185 |
Parzillo |
Pisterno |
354 |
Pascanello |
Lamazza |
413 |
Pascanello |
Castello |
437 |
Pascanello |
S. Barbera |
465 |
Pascanello |
490 |
Pascanello |
Casale |
24 |
Pascarella |
Casale |
25 |
Pashini |
S. Rocco |
148 |
Passarelli |
Pisterno |
308 |
Passicano |
Ospedale |
259 |
Patrocolo |
Monistero |
126 |
Patuisa |
Pisterno |
324 |
Patuisa |
Castello |
454 |
Pefighetti |
496 |
Peloso |
Casale |
24 |
Pepe |
Lamazza |
412 |
Pepe |
Casale |
6 |
Petrocelli |
495 |
Pietro |
L’Arco |
279 |
Pignataro |
Pisterno |
302/202 |
Pignataro |
Pisterno |
328 |
Pignataro |
Chiesa |
381 |
Pignataro |
Chiesa |
387 |
Pignataro |
Chiesa |
388 |
Pignataro |
Ospedale |
265 |
Pirretti |
Piazza |
231 |
Pitrelli |
Casale |
97 |
Pitrello |
Casale |
32 |
Piziole |
Piazza |
233 |
Plati |
L’Arco |
275 |
Plati |
Chiesa |
392 |
Polidoro |
Chiesa |
403 |
Potenza |
Casale |
23 |
Pugliese |
Casale |
66 |
Quaranta |
Le Tempe
171 |
Ragone |
Le Tempe
189 |
Ragone |
Piazza |
196 |
Ragone |
Pisterno |
326 |
Ragone |
Piazzola |
369 |
Ragone |
Chiesa |
388 |
Ragone |
Chiesa |
393 |
Ragone |
Castello |
445 |
Ragone |
488 |
Ragone |
Piazza |
221 |
Ranculli |
S. Rocco |
155 |
Ricardone |
Casale |
2 |
Rigirone |
Casale |
31 |
Rigirone |
Casale |
38 |
Rigirone |
486 |
Rigirorca |
487 |
Rigirorca |
489 |
Rigirorca |
Casale |
10 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
14 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
19 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
21 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
24 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
29 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
33 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
36 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
49 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
51 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
52 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
57 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
58 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
77 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
92 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
108 |
Rinaldi |
S. Lonardo |
119 |
Rinaldi |
S. Lonardo |
125 |
Rinaldi |
Monistero |
128 |
Rinaldi |
Monistero |
139 |
Rinaldi |
S. Rocco |
150 |
Rinaldi |
Le Tempe
171 |
Rinaldi |
Piazza |
206 |
Rinaldi |
Piazza |
212 |
Rinaldi |
Piazza |
219 |
Rinaldi |
Piazza |
224 |
Rinaldi |
Piazza |
235 |
Rinaldi |
L’Arco |
265 |
Rinaldi |
L’Arco |
287 |
Rinaldi |
L’Arco |
289 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
294 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
303/203 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
309 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
310 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
312 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
321 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
324 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
330 |
Rinaldi |
Pisterno |
356 |
Rinaldi |
Piazzola |
358 |
Rinaldi |
Chiesa |
380 |
Rinaldi |
Chiesa |
381 |
Rinaldi |
Chiesa |
382 |
Rinaldi |
Lamazza |
409 |
Rinaldi |
Castello |
424 |
Rinaldi |
Castello |
425 |
Rinaldi |
Castello |
426 |
Rinaldi |
Castello |
428 |
Rinaldi |
Castello |
452 |
Rinaldi |
S. Barbera
472 |
Rinaldi |
Casale |
95 |
Rivello |
Monistero |
130 |
Rivello |
Monistero |
134 |
Rivello |
Ospedale |
254 |
Rivello |
L’Arco |
270 |
Rivello |
Pisterno |
349 |
Rivello |
Piazzola |
361 |
Rivello |
Chiesa |
378 |
Rivello |
Lamazza |
413 |
Rivello |
Castello |
425 |
Rivello |
Castello |
461 |
Rivillise |
497 |
Rizzo |
Piazzola |
370 |
Rizzo |
S. Barbera |
463 |
Roberto |
Casale |
83 |
Roccanova |
Le Tempe
172 |
Roccanova |
Piazza |
195 |
Roccanova |
L’Arco |
271 |
Roccanova |
Pisterno |
345 |
Roccanova |
Castello |
436 |
Roccanova |
Castello |
440 |
Roccanova |
Castello |
441 |
Roccanova |
S. Barbera |
470 |
Roccanova |
Casale |
71 |
Romano |
S. Lonardo |
122 |
Romano |
S. Rocco |
149 |
Romano |
501 |
Romano |
Ospedale |
243 |
Rondinelli |
Casale |
19 |
Rondinello |
Le Tempe
180 |
Rondinello |
Casale |
8 |
Rubertone |
Casale |
72 |
Rubertone |
Casale |
80 |
Rubertone |
Casale |
83 |
Rubertone |
Casale |
93 |
Rubertone |
S. Rocco |
161 |
Rubertone |
Le Tempe
183 |
Rubertone |
Piazza |
216 |
Rubertone |
Piazza |
217 |
Rubertone |
Piazza |
217 |
Rubertone |
Pisterno |
350 |
Rubertone |
Piazzola |
367 |
Rubertone |
Piazzola |
375 |
Rubertone |
Castello |
440 |
Rubertone |
Castello |
448 |
Rubertone |
Castello |
457 |
Rubertone |
Casale |
4 |
Ruibertone |
Pisterno |
305/205 |
Russo |
Chiesa |
404 |
Russo |
Castello |
243 |
Russo |
Castello |
427 |
Russo |
Casale |
75 |
Sabino |
Casale |
105 |
Sabino |
S. Lonardo |
120 |
Sabino |
L’Arco |
288 |
Salandreso |
L’Arco |
286 |
Salerno |
Pisterno |
303/203 |
Salerno |
Pisterno |
325 |
Salerno |
Chiesa |
404 |
Salerno |
Piazzola |
368 |
Salimando |
Casale |
43 |
Santa Lucia |
Casale |
44 |
Santa Lucia |
Casale |
45 |
Santa Lucia |
Casale |
70 |
Santa Lucia |
Casale |
103 |
Santa Lucia |
Piazza |
192 |
Santa Lucia |
Piazza |
203 |
Santa Lucia |
Pisterno |
298 |
Santa Lucia |
Castello |
437 |
Santa Lucia |
S. Barbera
467 |
Santa Lucia |
Monistero |
483 |
Santa Lucia |
Monistero |
140 |
Santucci |
S. Rocco |
158 |
Santucci |
S. Rocco |
163 |
Santucci |
Le Tempe
165 |
Sarafino |
Le Tempe
167 |
Sarafino |
Casale |
11 |
Sarubbi |
Casale |
86 |
Sarubbi |
Monistero |
127 |
Sarubbi |
S. Rocco |
160 |
Sarubbi |
Le Tempe
169 |
Sarubbi |
Piazza |
219 |
Sarubbi |
Piazza |
236 |
Sarubbi |
Pisterno |
315 |
Sarubbi |
Piazzola |
362 |
Sarubbi |
Chiesa |
402 |
Sassone |
Casale |
7 |
Scalese |
Casale |
69 |
Scamone |
Le Tempe
177 |
Seccafino |
Ospedale |
243 |
Sevillo |
Ospedale |
254 |
Sevillo |
Pisterno |
342 |
Sillari |
S. Barbera
464 |
Sillari |
Pisterno |
294 |
Silvari |
Ospedale |
249 |
Simonetti |
Casale |
26 |
Simonetti |
Casale |
60 |
Simonetti |
Casale |
87 |
Simonetti |
S. Rocco |
159 |
Simonetti |
L’Arco |
288 |
Simonetti |
Piazzola |
363 |
Simonetti |
Chiesa |
401 |
Simonetti |
Casale |
74 |
Sinise |
Pisterno |
317 |
Solimando |
Castello |
459 |
Solomone |
Casale |
22 |
Spera |
Casale |
23 |
Spera |
Casale |
102 |
Spera |
Le Tempe
185 |
Spera |
Ospedale |
246 |
Spera |
Ospedale |
248 |
Spera |
Pisterno |
313 |
Spera |
Pisterno |
320 |
Spera |
Pisterno |
322 |
Spera |
Pisterno |
346 |
Spera |
Piazzola |
373 |
Spera |
Piazzola |
374 |
Spera |
Chiesa |
395 |
Spera |
Chiesa |
398 |
Spera |
Lamazza |
411 |
Spera |
Castello |
438 |
Spera |
489 |
Spera |
Casale |
20 |
Stabile |
S. Lonardo |
122 |
Stabile |
L’Arco |
287 |
Stabile |
L’Arco |
292 |
Stabile |
Pisterno |
322 |
Stabile |
Pisterno |
340 |
Stabile |
Pisterno |
350 |
Stabile |
Piazzola |
359 |
Stabile |
Piazzola |
360 |
Stabile |
Casale |
91 |
Taghinanti |
Piazza |
209 |
Taghinardi |
S. Lonardo |
116 |
Tamaro |
Ospedale |
264 |
Tanaco |
L’Arco |
268 |
Tangardi |
Piazza |
221 |
Tangiora |
Pisterno |
332 |
Tanico |
Lamazza |
422 |
Tanico |
Castello |
423 |
Tanico |
Castello |
429 |
Tanico |
Castello |
460 |
Tanico |
484 |
Tanico |
Casale |
78 |
Tannico |
Casale |
89 |
Tannico |
S. Lonardo |
118 |
Tannico |
Monistero |
139 |
Tannico |
Le Tempe
166 |
Tannico |
Le Tempe
178 |
Tannico |
Le Tempe
184 |
Tannico |
Le Tempe
186 |
Tannico |
Piazza |
236 |
Tannico |
Pisterno |
327 |
Tatarulo |
Casale |
91 |
Tenante |
Casale |
92 |
Tenante |
Le Tempe
180 |
Tezira |
Castello |
430 |
Tolitico |
S. Rocco |
150 |
Tomisillo |
Le Tempe
181 |
Torraca |
Lamazza |
412 |
Torraca |
Lamazza |
418 |
Torraca |
Lamazza |
419 |
Torraca |
Castello |
428 |
Torraca |
L’Arco |
280 |
Triunfo |
Pisterno |
345 |
Triunfo |
Casale |
64 |
Trumisillo |
Casale |
52 |
Tuarco |
Casale |
28 |
Tuzio |
Casale |
82 |
Tuzio |
Piazza |
216 |
Tuzio |
Pisterno |
301/201 |
Tuzio |
Pisterno |
337 |
Tuzio |
Pisterno |
343 |
Tuzio |
Casale |
496 |
Tuzio |
Casale |
498 |
Tuzio |
Casale |
76 |
Tuzzi |
S. Barbera |
475 |
Vaituro |
Casale |
8 |
Valinato |
L’Arco |
282 |
Valinato |
Chiesa |
379 |
Valinato |
Ospedale |
255 |
Valio |
Casale |
36 |
Veltre |
Piazzola |
371 |
Ventri |
Pisterno |
356 |
Vicarola |
Chiesa |
383 |
Viccari |
Pisterno |
320 |
Vicorola |
Pisterno |
348 |
Vicorola |
Piazzola |
357 |
Vicorola |
Casale |
27 |
Viggiano |
Casale |
35 |
Viggiano |
S. Lonardo |
113 |
Viggiano |
S. Lonardo |
114 |
Viggiano |
S. Lonardo |
115 |
Viggiano |
Piazza |
210 |
Viggiano |
S. Giov’ni |
240 |
Viggiano |
L’Arco |
275 |
Viggiano |
Pisterno |
315 |
Viggiano |
Lamazza |
414 |
Viggiano |
S. Giovanni |
240 |
Villone |
S. Barbera
465 |
Viltre |
Casale |
65 |
Vitilli |
Casale |
20 |
Vito |
S. Rocco |
147 |
Vitorelli |
Ospedale |
258 |
Vitorelli |
Lamazza |
410 |
Vitorelli |
Piazza |
202 |
Vivento |
Pisterno |
299 |
Vivento |
S. Barbera
479 |
Vivento |
L’Arco |
281 |
Vivinto |
L’Arco |
288 |
Vivinto |
L’Arco |
284 |
Votile |
S. Rocco |
146 |
Vozri |
Piazzola |
374 |
Zaccaro |
Chiesa |
390 |
Zaccaro |
Casale |
67 |
Zafferase |
Casale |
90 |
Zafferase |
S. Rocco |
161 |
Zafferase |
L’Arco |
266 |
Zafferase |
L’Arco |
284 |
Zafferase |
Piazzola |
370 |
Zafferase |
Chiesa |
394 |
Zafferase |
Castello |
433 |
Zafferase |
Castello |
438 |
Zafferase |
S. Barbera |
469 |
Zafferase |
Monistero |
134 |
Zosangele |