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Cardoncelli Mushrooms

(with wild herbs, ossocollo and ericante cheese, and Aglianico vinegar sauce) 


100 g of cardoncelli mushrooms 

100 g of ossocollo 

15 g of wild herbs (borage, rocket etc.) 

400 g of purslane 

400 of fava beans 

125 ml extra virgin olive oil 

80 g of Ericante cheese 

80 ml Aglianico vinegar 

Salt and pepper to taste 


Clean the mushrooms. In a skillet, sauté the ossocollo cut into strips in olive oil. Add the sliced mushrooms and cook for a few minutes. Remove the mushrooms and the ossocollo from the skillet. Strain cooking juices through a fine sieve and cool. Emulsify with olive oil and Aglianico vinegar. 

Serve the ossocollo with the cardoncelli mushrooms and the ericante cheese on a bed of mixed wild herbs and a side dish of steamed fava beans. Season with the sauce. 

Reprinted with permission from Regione Basilicata, Dipartimento Agricoltura e Sviluppo Rurale.
