Lampascioni Pears
500 g oflampascioni (onion-like bulbs)
1 egg yolk
250 g of potato flour
50 g of Pecorino
3 eggs
5 g of garlic
10 g of chopped parsley
5 g of spagheitini
Salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
Peel the lampascioni and cut a cross at the root end. Cook them in salted boiling water (or steamed), 25 minutes approximately. Drain thoroughly and finely chop them. Add the egg yolk, the grated pecorino, the chopped parsley, the potato flour and the chopped garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and with your hands shape the mixture into small pears. Place in the refrigerator, 2 hours
approximately. Dip them in the beaten eggs, insert a small spaghettino at one end and fry in very hot extra virgin olive oil. Keep warm.